Priced at approximately $20,000 these cows are extremely hardy and can live well in hot climatic conditions. Brahman cows, originally bred from Bos indicus cattle in India, are highly valued for their exceptional resilience and adaptability. These have distinct physical features, including a prominent hump over their shoulders, loose skin, and large, drooping ears. Such features help them regulate body temperature and adapt to hot, humid climates. Their strong immune system makes them resistant to various pests and diseases, contributing to their longevity. Brahman cows exhibit a calm and gentle temperament, making them easier to handle and manage. Furthermore, their ability to thrive on low-quality forage makes them an ideal choice for regions with less abundant grazing resources. This resilience, combined with their adaptability, has made Brahman cows a preferred breed in many parts of the world for crossbreeding to improve local cattle herds.